下班回家,发现美丽的晚霞,EOS7D+EF20 f/2.8,+-2档3张包围(手持),Photomatix Pro合成HDR并影调映射,PSCS5润饰(做了透视调整)。 On my way back home, I saw this beautiful sunset and took the picture with my EOS 7D handheld with +-2EV brackets. The pictures were then processed in Photomatix Pro for tone mapping and Photoshop for final output. 晚霞Sunset<br />
下班回家,发现美丽的晚霞,EOS7D+EF20 f/2.8,+-2档3张包围(手持),Photomatix Pro合成HDR并影调映射,PSCS5润饰(做了透视调整)。<br />
On my way back home, I saw this beautiful sunset and took the picture with my EOS 7D handheld with +-2EV brackets. The pictures were then processed in Photomatix Pro for tone mapping and Photoshop for final output.

下班回家,发现美丽的晚霞,EOS7D+EF20 f/2.8,+-2档3张包围(手持),Photomatix Pro合成HDR并影调映射,PSCS5润饰(做了透视调整)。
On my way back home, I saw this beautiful sunset and took the picture with my EOS 7D handheld with +-2EV brackets. The pictures were then processed in Photomatix Pro for tone mapping and Photoshop for final output.